Fr Ray Blake has a post up about maniples. Like birettas, mentioning them can appear quirky and rather irrelevent. We have earthquakes, tsunamis, starvation, disease, political unrest and upheavel, war and pestilence to worry about. Why give them the time and brain space? And I kind of appreciate that point of view, kind of.
I think even then I yearned for something I'd only seen in black and white movies and Nun's Story: dignity and reverence, and a lot, and I mean a lot, of special vestments. In effect, I was desperate for the return of what I now think is encapsulated in the maniple. And the biretta for that matter, and dare I bore you, for us ladies, the chapel veil (plug plug).
It's been said time and time again, but if something doesn't look special, it won't immediately be seen as special. If you truly believe the Mass is at the heart of all things, and has the power to change the world, then why not show the world, and dress the part?
Birettas, maniples, chapel veils, let's see them, not just at the EF where they've never gone away, but at every Mass.
P.S. I just saw this on Valle Adurni. I'll let it speak for itself.