13 May 2009

Wow. Just wow.

Fr Blake has some photos of his Jubilee Mass on his blog, which I was compelled to pinch and put up here, as you can't have too much of a good thing like this! I was very sad we couldn't make it, and it looks a brilliant celebration.

More servers than you can shake a stick at...

...and beautiful vestments from the Cathedral. Fr Ray had a great post on his blog about vestments, in it, he said this:

'Of course vestments are work clothes, the equivalent of overalls or dungarees. Their whole purpose is to act as "disguise", a way of covering up the priest's personality, they are there to remind the priest that he is not really that important, that he fills a role that could be filled by any other priest. Old vestments like these remind him that he is just doing the same thing as any other priest down the ages all those heroic saints and weak sinners.'

Wonderful work clothes for wonderful work.

Fr Ray with Fathers Finigan and Finnegan

I'm sure there are some more great pics to come, and once again, congratulations to Fr Ray.


Fr Ray Blake said...

Sorry you couldn't join us and many thanks for your congratulations.

Annie said...

The video is great, it looked a fabulous celebration, Father :D