As it was a bank holiday, we managed to get over to St Peter's, Fr Finnegan's parish at Shoreham for the midday Mass. We'd never been to Shoreham before except to skirt round it on our way to other places, so it was interesting to see how exactly the one way system worked. It was an everyday Low Mass, but as I continue to find with the EF, the everyday is always rather special. I particularly love the way the EF 'gets on with it', there is no interruption to concentration and prayer, it flows so beautifully. Anyway, enough of that.
I visisted the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Bayeux recently on a school trip, and while marshalling a load of kids, managed to take some photos.

I love visiting cathedrals that still feel like churches and not pay-to-enter museum spaces, and Bayeux felt very like a church.
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