Yes Annie, and may God bless and strengthen his successor.
I hope my worst fears do not happen please pray that we have a like minded Pope and do not slip back to a V2 Liberal sucessor.
David, God willing, Pope Benedict has appointed faithful Cardinals during his Pontificate. Beware the BBC - they are already saying this has been merely a caretaker period and Lavinia Byrne hopes more "windows will be opened".
That's why I never watch the BBC, it's all Lavinia Byrne, Hans Kung, and wimmins groups demanding ordination. The BBC never misses an opportunity to slag off Catholicism. Total occasion of sin for me.
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Yes Annie, and may God bless and strengthen his successor.
I hope my worst fears do not happen please pray that we have a like minded Pope and do not slip back to a V2 Liberal sucessor.
David, God willing, Pope Benedict has appointed faithful Cardinals during his Pontificate.
Beware the BBC - they are already saying this has been merely a caretaker period and Lavinia Byrne hopes more "windows will be opened".
That's why I never watch the BBC, it's all Lavinia Byrne, Hans Kung, and wimmins groups demanding ordination. The BBC never misses an opportunity to slag off Catholicism. Total occasion of sin for me.
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