26 February 2013

I've got me a Cardinal

Oh yes I have.

He was found for me on Adopt a Cardinal, a link I followed from A Reluctant Sinner on the sidebar.

My Cardinal is Odilo Pedro Scherer from Sao Paolo Brazil :

I think this is a great idea, everyone should adopt a Cardinal, and pray for them to be inspired by the Holy Spirit  at the Conclave.


Gerontius said...

Not sure about your selection, Annie. Surely not two consecutive German born Popes? He has relative youth on his side (well, he's younger than me).

There seems to be a South American theme - I am supporting Julio Terrazas Sandoval of Bolivia. However, he is coming up to 77 so perhaps he is rather an outsider.

pelerin said...

I understand this site is not about guessing who will be the next Pope but it offers people a Cardinal to 'adopt' in their prayers. I went on it yesterday and have been given a Canadian Cardinal I had never heard of before. They all need our prayers but it is rather nice to be able to concentrate on one in particular.

PS the letters are SO difficult to read. A case of try, try and try again!

Annie said...

It is a great idea, isn't it Pelerin :) I'd never heard of the Cardinal I was allocated either, it's a wonderful opportunity to do something concrete for a particular member of the conclave!

pelerin said...

I have just watched the Cardinals each saying their personal good-byes to Pope Benedict. (The kto broadcast will be available to watch on demand later.) I had not realised there were so many! Even the well informed commentator could not put names to most of them. To think that one of these men will soon be our new Holy Father ...

I have looked up the Cardinal I have 'adopted' and see that he has only been a Cardinal for a year. He is younger than I am!

pelerin said...

I see that those of us who have never heard of 'our' Cardinal are in good company! Fr Wang of Allen Hall mentions this site on his Blog and tells us that he has never heard of 'his' Cardinal either. The one chosen for Fr Wang rejoices in the wonderful name of Polycarp Pengo. Just imagine if he were to be elected - Pope Polycarp Pengo! but of course he would choose another name. (Mine has the very ordinary name of Collins!)

david said...

I am praying for Cardinal Vinko Puljie of Bosnia & Herzegovinia.I really think this a wonderful idea because they all will need a lot of prayful support in this important task.

Annie said...

They certainly do need support, and David, yet another cardinal I've never heard of, this really is a great thing to be doing! :)