27 June 2017

Damian Barker writes :


 I’m the co-ordinator of the forthcoming Young Catholic Adults (YCA)      weekend 20th-22nd Oct 2017. YCA foster a greater appreciation of  orthodox Catholicism and 
 the traditional practices of the Church (Traditional Masses), in 
 an atmosphere of charity and positivity. 

 More details can be found at 
 It is aimed at 18-40 year olds.

 There are a couple of events open to all ages, the Sung Mass 
 (and Marian procession afterwards) on Saturday 21st October at 11am in  the Parish Church at Douai, and the Sung Mass on Sunday  22nd October at 10:30am 
 in the Parish Church at Douai.

 These are the only EF form Masses held at Douai Abbey, so it would be  wonderful to have as many people attending as possible! 

 Meanwhile, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me  at youngcatholicadult@googlemail.com .

 Damian Barker YCA Co-ordinator Douai 2017 

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