06 January 2014

Dear Mulier Fortis has awarded me the above, for "bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere." As I'm so far behind at the moment I'm almost out of sight, and I've only just found it, I feel something of a fraud. Profuse apologies, Mac! I have to tell you 10 things about myself and nominate 10 other bloggers.
Well, here is a shout to Archdruid Eileen, a favourite read, and a careful look down the blog list has led me to the shocking discovery that a few of them are no longer, uh, active. Told you I was behind. So spare my blushes, Archdruid, please accept an award!

10 things about myself.

1. I don't like talking about myself, although having said that
2. There is nothing I like more than a good cup of tea except when
3. There is nothing I like more than a vodka and tonic.
4. I'm eagerly awaiting the seville orange season and
5. Spring
6. I used to like listening to rain.
7. Wellingtons are my current foot wear of choice.
8. I hate energy efficient no-light bulbs.
9. I only like original Star Wars, Episodes IV, V, and VI
10. Sprouts. Sprouts are just evil.


Archdruid Eileen said...

Thanks very much! I'm gratified. And still going...

Mulier Fortis said...

And the other nine nominees? You are shirking your responsibilities...

Our Lady of Good Success-pray for us. said...

sprouts or no-light save the sod light bulbs...? which is greater evil...I need a night-cap to consider this. can crushed bones and Fr Ray also get awards or are they the bullet proof vest for the rest of us?

Annie said...

All other reads have been taken, or no longer exist on my blog roll, mea culpa. I'll try to find some more new ones over the next few months!