11 June 2012

Interesting Times

There was an awful lot to digest after the LMS conference on Saturday, yet all of it, essentially, could be summed up by Fr Z's famous phrase : 'Save the Liturgy, Save the World' (I've always loved that particular catch phrase, especially as I'm a fan of Heroes, at least was for the first couple of series until it got particularly daft).

The speakers were all incredibly interesting, but I'd like to draw your attention mostly to the second talk we had, from Stuart McCullough of the Good Counsel Network (- please see their blog, Maria Stops Abortion, which is on the sidebar on the right). His talk illustrated in the clearest way possible the immensity of the power of prayer, especially Adoration, when confronted by one of the greatest evils of our time. I know prayer is powerful, but to have the evidence of it presented to us was, quite simply, amazing. So, what can you do? Well, pray! Say a rosary a month, join the prayer list and receive text messages whenever prayer is urgently needed, wherever you are. This I think is a particularly good idea, a text, you say an Our Father and a Hail Mary, how immediate is that? And, uhh, donate (thought I'd leave that bit til last!).

It was really encouraging to be among so many like-minded people, and of course, no Catholic gathering would be complete without a very welcome and equally illuminating trip to the pub afterwards.

As a rule, I'm not a tremendous fan of conferences. This one made me change my mind. It was great, and a privilege to be there.

The day re-emphasised something I learned when I first found (was led to?) the Latin Mass :

That there is nothing like it on earth.

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