So when I was reading the Catholic Herald, this totally splendiferous petition was mentioned by William Oddie. It's asking the Government to slap health warnings on TV programmes directed at children. And what a good idea. I'm supporting the great idea of health warnings.
In a similar vein, round about now, with all the (bleurchh) Xmas advertising cranking up, we're going to be innundated with even more faux sex on every channel with ads, from M&S selling its knickers to those really dodgy perfume ads. Joop anyone? No, I thought not. Even an advert for shopping at your local Co-Op suggested that doing so left you more time for umm, well, you know, on a Saturday morning. Puh-leese! This kind of thing's so, well, tacky and almost subliminal in that we're all so oblivious to it most of the time. We can tune it out, but kids can't and don't, being little sponges when it comes to picking up information and behaviour from whatever source. Even if a programme seems ok, it might be diced up by some seriously inappropriate advertising. A slight tangent, even the cinema isn't immune. Off I trot to watch Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and before we get to the opening credits, there's an ad (which seemed to go on forever) by a well known contraceptive manufacturer who seems to be expanding its range, and comprehensively told us about it, illustrated by a series of smiling bed-head couples. Now, ok, the film was a 15 (!) but this is just another example of how low things have got.
Completely in agreement with you in respect of the petition. Also your remarks on the content of many programmes. Talking of the name 'Jeremy', Paxman also enters the lists. He is an outstanding exemplar of modern TV 'manners'. He is the world's worst interrupter - watch him in action in discussion programmes. This overly combative style of 'interviewing' or 'discussing' is now the norm. Can I ask if you have a 'catch-up TV' facility? If so, you will find that if you forego the very first chance to see your fave programme, watching it on catch-up will be advert-free.
Annie a great piece it should be rquired reading for those who think there is no other way but "filth" you have echoed what a lot of us feel.More power to your quill.
david, you mention "those who think there is no other way but 'filth'". Presumably they would be filth columnists?
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