First up, don't forget the
Mass at 8.00am at St Mary Magdalene in Bexhill this Sunday.
Secondly, There is a
Missa Cantata this week at OLOC West Grinstead, Fr Hurley will be the celebrant at the usual time of 3.00pm.
Thirdly, it's Laetare Sunday, aka Mothering Sunday, let's pray for all mothers, physical, emotional, and spiritual everywhere, and enjoy that glass of wine (I am sooooo looking forward to a glass of wine!).
we need servers. Lots of servers. So any volunteers would they please come forward, leave a message in the combox and I can pass you on to Somone Who Knows. Or contact the LMS directly. So chaps, don't be shy!
Fifthly, I've been asked to tell you about
St. Bede's pilgrimage to Cracow, Poland led by Fr Andrew Southwell (29th May - 5th June). Details if interested can be had from the Latin Mass Society or Fr Southwell at St Bede's (020 8678 5128).
Sixth and last, you don't have to be a member of the LMS to join in any of the Masses, activities, whatever, mentioned on this blog, you just have to like the traditional Mass or be interested in finding out about it.
The Mass is for everybody!
Thanks for all that. Hope to be at Bexhill as there are to be Liturgical Horrors here at the morning Mass.
PS Can I have chocolate instead of wine? My tastes are becoming more unsophisticated by the minute.
Sounds...interesting, ahem...tell all, LOL!
I have not eschewed chocolate this Lent, only booze, so I'm Green and Blacking away Laura!
Hope to see you on Sunday :D
Good news about the new Mass venues and times which you report.
One could be forgiven for thinking that the Bishops of E&W actually detest the TLM. Why is this?
It's a slow start, but it's a start.
As to the other, uh, I'm afraid I couldn't possibly comment :)
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