20 February 2015


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Image result for Latin mass servers

We are really short of chaps of any age who are willing to serve or learn to serve. If you feel able to volunteer, there is plenty of training available.

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Change of Mass time in Seaford for March

The Mass on the 3rd Sunday in March at St Thomas More, Seaford,  will be at 5.00 pm, NOT 3.00 pm. The usual 3.00 pm time resumes in April. See the sidebar for regular Mass times.

18 February 2015

Ash Wednesday

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Wishing you all a prayerful and wonderful Lent! 

(It is one of the best times of the year, and I fully intend to try and enjoy every moment of it)

17 February 2015


A reminder that there is a Mass this Sunday at St Philip's, Uckfield at 3.00 pm, celebrant Fr Bruno.

This Mass, and all other regular Masses, CAN BE FOUND ON THE SIDEBAR ON THE RIGHT, JUST SCROLL DOWN!

Any cancellations, extras, or specials, will appear here, on the main page, first.

11 February 2015

St Mary Magdalen, Brighton

There will be a Missa Cantata at St Mary Magdalen, Brighton, on Ash Wednesday at 7.00 pm

09 February 2015

Mass Cancellation at Seaford

There will be NO MASS at St Thomas More, Seaford on 15th February, Fr Bruno is away. Please pass the information on!

02 February 2015


 Happy Feast Day Everyone!