30 November 2010
A Virtual Advent Wreath...
...has appeared as if by magic on the sidebar. Mantilla twitch to Mulier Fortis for linking to the Curt Jester from whom I got the code.
In Chichester, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
at St Richard's, Cawley Road, at 7pm, Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith will be celebrating Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
Mass at St Mary Magdalen for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
There will be a Missa Cantata at 7.30pm at St Mary Magdalen's, Brighton, for the Immaculate Conception.
Clare writes: 'We will be singing Mass ix Cum Jubilo. We have some female voice polyphony and of course all the propers.' Lovely!
The future's bright, the future's...lacy...
29 November 2010
Extraordinary Form Mass Returns to St Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle upon Tyne
On Saturday 20 November 2010 a High Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite was celebrated in the Cathedral Church of St Mary, Newcastle for only the second time since the liturgical changes following the Second Vatican Council. The Mass was organised by the local branch of the Latin Mass Society (who arranged a previous celebration in 2008). The cathedral dean, Fr Peter Leighton, and his curate, Fr Chris Warren, were very helpful in making the necessary arrangements, and Fr Warren was present in choir on the day.
The celebrant was Fr Shaun Swales, the deacon was Fr David Phillips and the sub-deacon was Fr Michael Brown. The choir was that of St George’s Anglican Church, Cullercoats under their director, Shaun Turnbull, and the organist was Peter Lock. The choir sang Victoria's Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Missa de Angelis (Angus Dei I &II), Viadana's Exsultate Justi in Domino and Franck's Panis Angelicus. The organist played Muffat's Toccata at the Offertory and J. S. Bach's Piece d'Orgue as the Recessional.
The Proper of the Mass was sung by the newly-named Schola Sancti Baedae from Jarrow under their director Dr Michael Dunn. The serving team was led by LMS joint diocesan representative, David O'Neill, as MC with Aidan McGregor as thurifer, Martin McGregor and Frank Walker as acolytes and Keith McAllister as crucifer.
There was a congregation of about 150 with representation from across the diocese.
David O’Neill, LMS Representative, said: “This was a wonderful achievement and it is very encouraging to see the ancient form of the Mass return to the mother church of the diocese. We plan to organise more celebrations and hope our Ordinary, Bishop Seamus Cunningham, will be able to join us in choir”.
For pictures please click here.
29 November 2010
Extraordinary Form Mass Returns to St Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle upon Tyne
On Saturday 20 November 2010 a High Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite was celebrated in the Cathedral Church of St Mary, Newcastle for only the second time since the liturgical changes following the Second Vatican Council. The Mass was organised by the local branch of the Latin Mass Society (who arranged a previous celebration in 2008). The cathedral dean, Fr Peter Leighton, and his curate, Fr Chris Warren, were very helpful in making the necessary arrangements, and Fr Warren was present in choir on the day.
The celebrant was Fr Shaun Swales, the deacon was Fr David Phillips and the sub-deacon was Fr Michael Brown. The choir was that of St George’s Anglican Church, Cullercoats under their director, Shaun Turnbull, and the organist was Peter Lock. The choir sang Victoria's Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Missa de Angelis (Angus Dei I &II), Viadana's Exsultate Justi in Domino and Franck's Panis Angelicus. The organist played Muffat's Toccata at the Offertory and J. S. Bach's Piece d'Orgue as the Recessional.
The Proper of the Mass was sung by the newly-named Schola Sancti Baedae from Jarrow under their director Dr Michael Dunn. The serving team was led by LMS joint diocesan representative, David O'Neill, as MC with Aidan McGregor as thurifer, Martin McGregor and Frank Walker as acolytes and Keith McAllister as crucifer.
There was a congregation of about 150 with representation from across the diocese.
David O’Neill, LMS Representative, said: “This was a wonderful achievement and it is very encouraging to see the ancient form of the Mass return to the mother church of the diocese. We plan to organise more celebrations and hope our Ordinary, Bishop Seamus Cunningham, will be able to join us in choir”.
For pictures please click here.
22 November 2010
Great Success at Traditional Rite Confirmations
Bishop George Stack, auxiliary bishop in Westminster, administered Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Traditional Latin Rite) at St James’s Church, Spanish Place, London W1 on Saturday 20 November. 39 candidates received the sacrament – 30 children and 9 adults. This was the seventh year of the annual ceremony organised by the Latin Mass Society.
Permission for the Old Rite Confirmations had been given by the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster.
The candidates’ day began with a meeting in the Lady Chapel with Bishop Stack. The bishop greeted each candidate individually and then spoke about the importance of Pope Benedict’s speech to youth on 17 September at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham on the theme of “I have come so that they might have life and have it to the full”. The bishop also gave each candidate a prayer card.
The Confirmations then followed. During the ceremonies the bishop was assisted by Fr Christopher Colven, Rector of St James’s and Fr Andrew Southwell, LMS National Chaplain. Also on the sanctuary, among others, were Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP, Fr Simon Leworthy FSSP, Fr Tim Finigan and Fr David Irwin.
The liturgical ceremonies concluded with Pontifical Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
The choir and organist of Spanish Place provided the music, and a large congregation of almost 300 family and friends joined them in singing the Veni Creator Spiritus (with alternate verses in the setting by George Malcolm) and the Veni Sancte Spiritus. During Benediction the traditional hymns Christus Vincit and Tantum Ergo were sung and the choir sang Elgar’s ‘O Salutaris in F’. The vernacular hymns sung were ‘Come Down O Love Divine’ and Blessed John Henry Newman’s ‘Praise to the Holiest’.
After the ceremonies, a reception for the bishop and congregation was held in the crypt. All those present thanked Bishop Stack for his pastoral concern for those attached to the Extraordinary Form by means of an enthusiastic round of applause.
Great Success at Traditional Rite Confirmations
Bishop George Stack, auxiliary bishop in Westminster, administered Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Traditional Latin Rite) at St James’s Church, Spanish Place, London W1 on Saturday 20 November. 39 candidates received the sacrament – 30 children and 9 adults. This was the seventh year of the annual ceremony organised by the Latin Mass Society.
Permission for the Old Rite Confirmations had been given by the Most Reverend Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster.
The candidates’ day began with a meeting in the Lady Chapel with Bishop Stack. The bishop greeted each candidate individually and then spoke about the importance of Pope Benedict’s speech to youth on 17 September at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham on the theme of “I have come so that they might have life and have it to the full”. The bishop also gave each candidate a prayer card.
The Confirmations then followed. During the ceremonies the bishop was assisted by Fr Christopher Colven, Rector of St James’s and Fr Andrew Southwell, LMS National Chaplain. Also on the sanctuary, among others, were Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP, Fr Simon Leworthy FSSP, Fr Tim Finigan and Fr David Irwin.
The liturgical ceremonies concluded with Pontifical Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
The choir and organist of Spanish Place provided the music, and a large congregation of almost 300 family and friends joined them in singing the Veni Creator Spiritus (with alternate verses in the setting by George Malcolm) and the Veni Sancte Spiritus. During Benediction the traditional hymns Christus Vincit and Tantum Ergo were sung and the choir sang Elgar’s ‘O Salutaris in F’. The vernacular hymns sung were ‘Come Down O Love Divine’ and Blessed John Henry Newman’s ‘Praise to the Holiest’.
After the ceremonies, a reception for the bishop and congregation was held in the crypt. All those present thanked Bishop Stack for his pastoral concern for those attached to the Extraordinary Form by means of an enthusiastic round of applause.
Bishop Stack then spoke briefly and cut the celebratory cake. Whilst having a well-earned cup of tea, he met and chatted with the newly-confirmed and their families.
Confirmations in the Extraordinary Form are becoming ever more popular. On 31 July, Bishop Peter Doyle confirmed 9 candidates in his cathedral church of Our Lady Immaculate and St Thomas in Northampton and later in November St Philip’s School, Kensington, will have its own Extraordinary Form Confirmations with Bishop Alan Hopes, also an auxiliary bishop in Westminster.
For pictures please go to the LMS website, find the Confirmations story on the home page or follow this link to the picture set.
For further information, please contact John Medlin or James Murphy in the LMS office on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585;
(E mail) info@lms.co.uk
27 November 2010
25 November 2010
Two more Masses this weekend, don't forget.
Fr Aaron Spinelli is celebrating Mass at St Josephs, Eastgate Gardens, Guildford on Sunday, 28 November at 3.00pm. Parking is apparently challenging, but the address link to the google map above also has the railway station marked on there, and pay parking is available.
Also, Fr Tony Churchill will be saying Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows, Bognor Regis on Sunday at 12.30pm.
And of course, Mass is at Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead, at 3.00pm also.
Please see the side bar for regular EF Mass locations and times.
23 November 2010
Nearly Advent, already?
No wonder everyone's sick of Christmas by the time the 25th comes round, the shops have had their decorations up from whenever the Christmas stock came out...October, was it?
The adverts on TV aren't any help, they numb you to the penitential and festive season from the beginning of November to the end of 'Christmas' at midnight on the 25th. I wouldn't mind if they waited at least until December to pipe Slade (bleurrch) and various other Winterval ditties at us, but that's a vain wish I know.
Not that I'm a Scrooge, I just bah humbug the ads and sigh with relief that the Bishops haven't decided to move this Feast to one to the nearest Sunday (yet). But in spite of the ads on telly and the depressing amounts of excessive consumption encouraged by sellers everywhere, Advent takes me happily by surprise, every year.
No whining
So my question is, what do you all do to make your Advents special? How do you -or do you bother to- block out the secular bombardment that celebrates 'Christmas' for a good month before the due date?
Wednesday 24, and Thursday 25 November
Masses will be said by Fr Charles Briggs at Our Lady of Ransom, Eastbourne at 10.30 am tomorrow and Thursday
Please try and make them if you can.
On Sunday
Mass was celebrated by Fr Bruno at St Thomas More, Seaford. Fr Niven, the parish priest, heard confessions after Mass, and all was followed by tea, cake, and conversation, erudite of course. Thanks to Fr Niven, and Fr Bruno.
17 November 2010
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Fr John Boyle has this post from Iraq concerning the appalling massacre, a word of caution though, there are some graphic descriptions and images. Godzdogz also has a blog post up, Remember... we have Family in Iraq! which I would also urge you to read if you haven't already. ACN has been reporting the persecutions too, see here , here, and here.
As well as our prayers, there is practical support we can offer. ACN also do very good Christmas cards, so if you haven't already bought yours, have a look at the online Aid To The Church In Need shop. You can also find gifts, like this icon and rosary made in the Holy Land.
15 November 2010
Yesterday at Our Lady of Consolation
Fr Bill Agley said a Requiem Mass at OLOC yesterday, it being Remembrance Sunday, on what was a very atmospheric afternoon, weather-wise. Grateful thanks to Fr Bill.
I've been reading the blogs and press about the (to my mind awful) Children's Liturgy. There were young kids at yesterday's Mass at OLOC, and not a peep from any of them.
Anyone can see that kids pick up on what's going on around them. If there is talking in Church before Mass, kids will talk in Church before Mass. If there's no-one genuflecting, they won't genuflect. If there is fidgeting and to-ing and fro-ing by anyone in Church, from the going out and coming in of children off to and back from their special colouring sessions of 'Jesus and me', to the often interminable offertory procession which is more like an interlude than an occasion for reflection and preparation, they won't learn what is and isn't proper behaviour in Church. Why send kids out to colour Jesus when they can actually be in the presence of the Lord in Church? Where is the sense in that?
Of course I'm biased towards the EF (for one thing, it doesn't feel half as long and drawn out as the OF, which for children's attention span is good). It's visually engaging with lots to look at, it's mysterious, it's sometimes quiet and sometimes not, it's impossible to miss the Consecration as there are so many bells, and no extraordinary people fluffing about round the altar. It's better for kids all round, even the very fidgety ones.
I've mentioned before this great little book, Know Your Mass, it's very retro, which is not always a bad thing. I can't recommend it highly enough.
12 November 2010
If you haven't already
Have a read of this from John Smeaton of SPUC.
Here's a snippet:
"Pope Benedict has used this major document [Verbum Domini published yesterday] to underline the prior right of parents to educate their children."
I find it amazing that something as profoundly normal as educating your own children has been so undermined.
10 November 2010
I've been thinking
It's something I do from time to time. I was watching one of my favourite movies. It's called Constantine. It's based on a comic book, Hellblazer. In the movie, Angela, a police officer and Catholic, tells John Constantine she doesn't believe in the devil. Constantine comes back with 'he believes in you.' Which is a cheesy line, but a truthful one.
Then I was on youtube, and browsing through some Abp Sheen talks and found one on guess what? Yep, the devil. They're not an easy listen, but I thought, in this age where everyone is far too cool and thinks like the fashionable Angela before she sees the truth, I'd put them up here.
Then I was on youtube, and browsing through some Abp Sheen talks and found one on guess what? Yep, the devil. They're not an easy listen, but I thought, in this age where everyone is far too cool and thinks like the fashionable Angela before she sees the truth, I'd put them up here.
08 November 2010
8 November 20010
Westminster Bishop celebrates the Latin Mass Society’s Annual Requiem Mass in Westminster Cathedral

The Rt Rev. John Arnold, auxiliary bishop in Westminster, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass of Requiem in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 6 November for the repose of the souls of all deceased members and supporters of the LMS. Father Nicholas Schofield was Assistant Priest, Fr Andrew Southwell, LMS National Chaplain, was Deacon and the Sub-deacon was Fr David Irwin. Gordon Dimon of the LMS was MC.
A congregation of some hundreds heard the men of the Cathedral Choir sing the plainsong Requiem Mass.

The Mass was followed by a homily by Bishop Arnold and then the traditional ceremonies of Absolutions at the Catafalque. The coffin for the occasion was supplied by the Fairways Partnership, Funeral Directors.
Before Mass, a wreath was laid by Dr Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the LMS, and other LMS Committee members on the grave of Cardinal Heenan in the cathedral nave in thanksgiving for the Cardinal’s efforts to preserve the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Father Patrick Hayward read prayers for the occasion.
Doctor Shaw said afterwards: “This was the second time that Bishop Arnold has celebrated the LMS’s annual Requiem Mass and we are most grateful to him. We also thank Canon Christopher Tuckwell, the Cathedral Administrator, and Fr Alexander Master, the Cathedral Precentor, for their help”.
Note: The Extraordinary Form has now returned to many of our cathedrals throughout England and Wales and the LMS is actively seeking to introduce further Masses.
Photos by the Chairman, Joseph Shaw.
For further information, please contact John Medlin in the LMS office on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585
(E mail) john@lms.org.uk
Westminster Bishop celebrates the Latin Mass Society’s Annual Requiem Mass in Westminster Cathedral

The Rt Rev. John Arnold, auxiliary bishop in Westminster, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass of Requiem in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 6 November for the repose of the souls of all deceased members and supporters of the LMS. Father Nicholas Schofield was Assistant Priest, Fr Andrew Southwell, LMS National Chaplain, was Deacon and the Sub-deacon was Fr David Irwin. Gordon Dimon of the LMS was MC.

The Mass was followed by a homily by Bishop Arnold and then the traditional ceremonies of Absolutions at the Catafalque. The coffin for the occasion was supplied by the Fairways Partnership, Funeral Directors.
Before Mass, a wreath was laid by Dr Joseph Shaw, Chairman of the LMS, and other LMS Committee members on the grave of Cardinal Heenan in the cathedral nave in thanksgiving for the Cardinal’s efforts to preserve the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. Father Patrick Hayward read prayers for the occasion.
Doctor Shaw said afterwards: “This was the second time that Bishop Arnold has celebrated the LMS’s annual Requiem Mass and we are most grateful to him. We also thank Canon Christopher Tuckwell, the Cathedral Administrator, and Fr Alexander Master, the Cathedral Precentor, for their help”.
Note: The Extraordinary Form has now returned to many of our cathedrals throughout England and Wales and the LMS is actively seeking to introduce further Masses.
Photos by the Chairman, Joseph Shaw.
For further information, please contact John Medlin in the LMS office on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585
(E mail) john@lms.org.uk
07 November 2010
This morning in Bexhill
Fr Bruno said Mass at St Mary Magdalene, and preached a positive manifesto on why the EF is good for everyone. It was powerful stuff, and I'm sure gave everyone in the congregation (a big one too for 8.00am!) much to think about. Thank you Fr Bruno.
And Congratulations!
...to Fr Richard Biggerstaff who celebrated his first parish Extraordinary Form at the 12.30 Mass!
It was a wonderful, prayerful Mass, many thanks Father, for the first of many.
06 November 2010
Very exciting news from Bognor Regis
Fr Jonathan Martin just sent me this snippet from the parish newsletter regarding future EFs at Our Lady of Sorrows:
"The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
On 7th July, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI issued a document entitled Summorum Pontificum, the effect of which was to enable far wider use of the traditional liturgy of the Church, as set out by the Council of Trent and celebrated until the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. The Pope’s initiative was, as he himself wrote, “the fruit of much reflection, numerous consultations and prayer”. The Pope has asked us to be generous in our response to this initiative. The Extraordinary Form of the Mass is now being celebrated in several of the Deaneries of our Diocese. Fr Terry Martin, for example, has recently introduced it on the first Saturday of every month in his parish of Horsham.
For an experimental period of six months, the Extraordinary Form of the Mass will be offered once a month in Our Lady of Sorrows. This will not affect the regular celebrations of the Ordinary Form of the Mass, which will continue as usual. There is a small group of parish servers who are currently learning how to assist at this form of the Mass and Fr Tony will celebrate the first of these at 12.30 on Sunday, 28th November. Thereafter, always at 12.30, there will be celebrations of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass on December 26th, January 1st, February 12th, March 13th, April 24th."
"The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
On 7th July, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI issued a document entitled Summorum Pontificum, the effect of which was to enable far wider use of the traditional liturgy of the Church, as set out by the Council of Trent and celebrated until the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. The Pope’s initiative was, as he himself wrote, “the fruit of much reflection, numerous consultations and prayer”. The Pope has asked us to be generous in our response to this initiative. The Extraordinary Form of the Mass is now being celebrated in several of the Deaneries of our Diocese. Fr Terry Martin, for example, has recently introduced it on the first Saturday of every month in his parish of Horsham.
For an experimental period of six months, the Extraordinary Form of the Mass will be offered once a month in Our Lady of Sorrows. This will not affect the regular celebrations of the Ordinary Form of the Mass, which will continue as usual. There is a small group of parish servers who are currently learning how to assist at this form of the Mass and Fr Tony will celebrate the first of these at 12.30 on Sunday, 28th November. Thereafter, always at 12.30, there will be celebrations of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass on December 26th, January 1st, February 12th, March 13th, April 24th."
05 November 2010
North Stoke
Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith will be saying Mass at North Stoke, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LS on Saturday, 20 November at 3.00pm.
More good news
This time from Guildford, where Fr Aaron Spinelli will be saying Mass at St Josephs, Eastgate Gardens, Guildford on Sunday, 28 November at 3.00pm. Details to follow.
04 November 2010
Saturday 6th November at Horsham
Please also don't forget that this Saturday at St John the Evangelist, Horsham, Fr Sean Finnegan will be giving a talk about the Extraordinary Form at 5.15 before the 6 o'clock EF Mass begins.
03 November 2010
...is the Requiem at Westminster. Hope to see you there!
It's a really good, clearly presented site that encourages mantilla wearing/hair covering, not just at EFs, but at all Masses. I think it's a great site, have a look, be you male or female. As someone who took the plunge to cover up at all Masses (and has a stock of head wear the DH can only marvel at), even wearing a woolly hat at an ordinary form Mass has taken on a real significance. I feel uncomfortable in church without anything on my head these days.
If you haven't tried covering up but would like to, and I know it's not easy sticking out like a sore thumb (I'm wearing the t-shirt) have a look at the site, take courage and blaze a trail!
Also, I've added a new link to the side bar, Will you mantilla with me? and their blog to the blog roll.
It's a really good, clearly presented site that encourages mantilla wearing/hair covering, not just at EFs, but at all Masses. I think it's a great site, have a look, be you male or female. As someone who took the plunge to cover up at all Masses (and has a stock of head wear the DH can only marvel at), even wearing a woolly hat at an ordinary form Mass has taken on a real significance. I feel uncomfortable in church without anything on my head these days.
If you haven't tried covering up but would like to, and I know it's not easy sticking out like a sore thumb (I'm wearing the t-shirt) have a look at the site, take courage and blaze a trail!
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