24 May 2010

Pentecost yesterday at OLOC

It was also an absolutely glorious afternoon, the sun couldn't have shone brighter, the church couldn't have been more cool and inviting.

Mass was said by Fr Ray Blake, who preached on the distinction between talents and gifts, and that everything we do in our lives should use, and not waste, the gifts we have been given by God. Many thanks to Fr Ray.

It was another lovely Low Mass. There is always so much to do at the Extraordinary Form, and none of it involves getting up from your pew or your knees, or even saying anything. I know, sounds weird doesn't it. There's always something to watch, something to pray. I know I go on about the peace, but whatever your mood, however happy or sad you feel, there is always joy and comfort in the silences, which aren't empty, they're brim full of hope and God. 

So to tea, where there was man talk about serving. Now, being a wee girlie, I'm quite glad to be well out of that side of things, but I do know that we need more servers. A lot more servers. And there's such a nice Sodality to join too now, so please, try and encourage anyone who you think might be persuaded (and anyone who might not actually, you never know you might get a pleasant surprise!) to consider having a go.

23 May 2010


Veni, Sancte Spiritus
Et emitte coelitus
Lucis tuae radium

Happy Feast Day

21 May 2010

A new all time low, if that's possible.

On Monday evening at 10.10pm, Channel 4 is going to broadcast an abortion ad by Marie Stopes International, the abortion promoter and provider.

It's an advertisement, and what are advertisements for? To get you to buy a product. So  Marie Stopes want girls and women to buy their abortions from them. Isn't that just horrible? What next? Ads for euthanasia clinics in the middle of Big Brother?

'What can I do????' I hear you cry, appalled!

Well you can WRITE TO YOUR MP to tell the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (yes, you read that correctly, culture, media and sport!) to make sure it never gets aired, email is by far the quickest way to do it given the ad's scheduled for Monday, but I like to back up emails with snail mail whatever.

You can google your MP easily, or better still, go here to SPUC for more details, and some ideas about the arguments you can put in your letters, other than the immediate 'gack!!' reaction which is perfectly normal but not very persuasive. There is a form you can use on the site, to save time, and even a search facility for your MP.

PS: Fr Ray has this link to a petition, so please sign that as well, thanks.

20 May 2010



On Saturday 15th May 2010, at Blackfriars, Oxford, the Society of St Tarcisius, a sodality of servers of the Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form), was founded during a training day for altar servers, arranged by the Latin Mass Society. Thirty servers were present, with the training being delivered by Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP, Br Lawrence Lew OP, Mr David Forster, and Mr Richard Hawker. The day began with an address from Fr de Malleray on the importance of the service of the altar. The servers were divided into two groups of the less and more experienced for training. Some people travelled long distances to attend - one as far as Preston, Lancashire.

The two groups each had an experienced MC and a cleric to guide them: the less experienced group was led by Fr de Malleray and David Forster; the more experienced group by Br Lawrence Lew and Mr Richard Hawker. The day was interspersed with prayers and ended with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Society of St Tarcisius has been founded to encourage servers of the Traditional Mass in their work on the altar, to provide training for new servers and the more experienced, to promote a high standard of reverence and accuracy, and to form a network through which servers can stay in touch and share resources.

The Society of St Tarcisius is sponsored by the Latin Mass Society, though membership is open to all who wish to serve the Traditional Mass. Saint Tarcisius was a Roman acolyte who was martyred while defending the Holy Eucharist from profanation during the fierce persecutions of the third century. The sodality has taken “Fidelis usque ad mortem” – Faithful even unto death – as its motto, and seeks to inculcate in servers an intense devotion and reverence for Our Lord in the Eucharist, as well as a precise attention to the ceremonies of the Mass.

The society’s website is www.saint-tarcisius.org.uk. Servers wishing to join the sodality should contact the Secretary, Mr David Forster, at secretary@saint-tarcisius.org.uk.

Photographs of the training event on Saturday 15th May can be seen at www.lmschairman.org/2010/05/server-master-class-report.html

The Latin Mass Society and the Society of St Tarcisius will be holding a residential training course for lay servers at Downside Abbey, Somerset, from Tuesday 10 August to Friday 13 August. This will run alongside the LMS’s Downside training conference for priests to learn the Extraordinary Form. Full details are available from the LMS.

If anyone was in any doubt...

...that abortion is an industry and the bottom line is to max out profits, please read this and this.
 Write and complain!

18 May 2010

Corpus Christi will be celebrated at...

...8.00pm, at St Mary Magdalen, Brighton, with a Missa Cantata.

Servers required! Please contact Fr Ray if you can help out, address and contact details are on the side bar.

Good news too...

...at Our Lady of Ransom, Eastbourne, as there will be an EF at some time in the near future, watch this space!

St Thomas More in Seaford

The Extraordinary Form, beginning in June on the third Sunday (at I believe 3.00pm, but don't quote me yet!) will be said at St Thomas More, Sutton Road, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 1SS (Corner of Sutton Road and Highlands Road).

Many thanks to Fr Niven the Parish Priest, and to Fr Bruno.

17 May 2010

Shoreham update

There won't be an EF Mass at St. Peter's next Saturday,  22 May, as Confirmations will be taking place.

13 May 2010

The Ascension

(You know it's 40 days today, and I know it's 40 days today, and I'm celebrating today)

Happy Feast of the Ascension!

12 May 2010

There will be a Mass at Fr Richard Biggerstaff's parish, St Pancras, Lewes on 4th July at 12.30pm. The celebrant will be Fr Jonathan Martin. More details and a map shall appear nearer the time.

And at Our Lady of Consolation at 3.00pm on 25th July there will be High Mass, with Scola of ex-Westminster Cathedral choristers, celebrated by Fr Matthew Goddard FSSP.

So put those dates in your diaries, if you'd be so kind.

Thanks to Laura...

...there is a new blog on the roll. Check it out, it's very good.

11 May 2010

Sunday's Missa Cantata

It was a wonderful Mass on Sunday. The schola from Seaford sang, and Fr Hurley was the celebrant. Fr Hurley preached on the topic of heaven and hell, hell not being one of those things you often hear about from the pulpit. Yet, it was a very hopeful and far from demoralising sermon, focusing on love and repentance.

Socialising afterwards, yes, of course with a cup of tea (and some very nice cakes), it was great to see so much enthusiasm for the Old Rite in evidence, and so much hope that every parish or deanery will one day  soon offer the Extraordinary Form not extraordinarily, but as a matter of course.

07 May 2010

Missa Cantata

This Sunday at Our Lady of Consolation, West Grinstead, 3.00pm, is a Missa Cantata.
Hope to see you there.

04 May 2010

LMS events across the country

Please have a look at the LMS website for all upcoming feasts, special Masses, Requiems and Confirmations.


The next EF conference is going to be held at Downside Abbey, Stratton on the Fosse, Somerset.

It runs from Tuesday 10 to Friday 13 August.

Daily liturgies - Tuition and practice in Low, Sung and High Mass and the other Sacraments - Tuition for beginners and more advanced students - Opening and closing High Masses - Daily Offices and Rosary.

All inclusive fee of £115. Book now to guarantee your place.

Contact the LMS office on 020 7404 7284 for details and bookings, or e mail: info@latin-mass-society.org.

Please encourage your parish priests to consider it.

Tuesday already.

Sunday Mass at St Mary Magdalene Bexhill was a complete battery recharger. Fr Bruno preached subtly on how facing east at Mass is facing Christ, and if all aren't facing Christ, where and what is the focus?
The silences at Mass were wonderful. Many thanks to Fr Bruno.

01 May 2010

So much for asking questions.

I received this latest from the CES:

'I acknowledge your email of 27th April. We have nothing further to add and this email brings the correspondence to a close.'

Which is nice.

Hope they aren't expecting me to cough up when they next want some dosh.

YCA and other news

Have you heard of the YCA? It's Young Catholic Adults, aimed at...well, young Catholic adults. It's affiliated to Foederatio Internationalis Juventutem, the Juventutem International Federation, promoting the extraordinary form and traditional devotions. Have a look at the websites for more information.

In the meantime, here's a foretaste of what YCA and the LMS has coming up:

15 May:
Launch of the Society of St Tarcisius - a traditional servers' sodality lauched by the LMS with a server training day in Oxford. Contact: joseph.shaw@philosophy.ox.ac.uk 

21-23 May:
The Chartres Pilgrimage - Chartres Juventutem Chapter (18-30). For details please contact Francis and Julie Carey 01494-729223 or email Chartres@duc-in-altum

12 June:
Gregorian Chant Network - one day workshop, Portsmouth Cathedral, please contact Neville McNally on 02392-862384 for details, email is chantnetwork@gmail.com

26 June:
LMS AGM - 11:00am in Cathedral Hall followed by High Mass in Westminster Cathedral at 2.00pm.

1-8 August:
Liturgical Latin Summer School for adults and St Catherine's Trust Summer School for ages 11-18 at Ardingly College. Contact info@stcatherinestrust.org

10th-13th August:
Downside Abbey is hosting the latest LMS Priest's Training Conference. Contact the LMS office on 020-7404-7284 or see the website 

20-22 August:
YCA 3 day walking pilgrimage - for chaps only from Ely to Walsingham

10-12 September:
YCA Douai Abbey Retreat - led by Fr Armand de Malleray. Please contact Damian Barker on 07908-105787 or email juventutemcatholicam@yahoo.co.uk

11 September:
LMS National Pilgrimage to Walsingham with a rosary procession from Friday Market at 2.00pm, and Sung Mass at 3.30pm. Contact the LMS office for details on 020-7404-7284.