31 March 2010

A small obsession of mine

The Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo. I don't think anyone can look at the Shroud and not fail to be awed and moved.

I'm absolutely fascinated by them. I first saw the image on the Shroud when I was about twelve, and it quite frankly completely freaked me out, but I was totally hooked (in fact, looking at the Shroud still unsettles me).Then I read everything I could get my hands on, which at the time wasn't much, but got a copy of Ian Wilson's book The Shroud of Turin when I could. I've avidly followed all the scientific (and not so scientific) tests and theories relating to both cloths ever since, as well as subjecting myself over the years to some of the most tooth-grindingly awful TV programmes. I think my favourite is the theory that Leonardo da Vinci modelled the Shroud over a sculpture of his own head, and then used  fifteenth century photographic techniques to render the image on the cloth. I don't think anyone's yet managed to work out how he managed to fake his own (or appallingly, someone else's) crucifixion, or fabricate pollen evidence though.

The Sudarium, perhaps not as well known, has no image on it, but its function and provenance is equally as fascinating, being traditionally the cloth that covered the face of Christ immediately following his death on the cross.

There are many, many websites and articles (this is just one of them) dedicated to both the Shroud and the Sudarium, and there will doubtless be many more as the Shroud is displayed in Turin this year, both attempting to prove and disprove it, and I'll probably have a look at them all!

28 March 2010

This afternoon...

...at OLOC West Grinstead, Fr Agley celebrated Mass, and preached on the differing moods of the successive days of Passiontide, and how the Triduum reflects those moods. Many thanks to Father.

Sad to say that the next EF Mass at OLOC won't be until 25th April, so no Mass on Low Sunday due to the Diocesan Divine Mercy Pilgrimage.

25 March 2010

The Annunciation

O God, Who didst will that Thy Word should take flesh, at the message of an Angel, in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary, grant to Thy suppliant people, that we who believe her to be truly the Mother of God, may be helped by her intercession with Thee.

Happy Feast of the Annunciation

22 March 2010

The Holy Father

Being more than just a bit of a fan of His Holiness, this most recent letter has given me more hope than I've had for a long time that things will be better.

I've read the recent coverage in the press as best as I can, but as some of the bile about him is more than I can stomach without getting really angry, I have relied almost entirely on blogs (I know I've said it before, but where on earth would we be without them?). While I pray daily for the Pope anyway, he's getting some extra attention, and will get even more the closer his visit to Britain comes.

There will be nothing the Pope can say that will satisfy everyone. Some will as a point of principle continue to misrepresent and twist everything he says (I'm thinking particularly of a certain broadsheet that's now tabloid in more than just size that I wouldn't even line a rabbit hutch with). 

But on the bright side, if we aren't being persecuted or at least got at, we aren't doing it right, so it's actually all good.

Oh, one other thing, Fr Tim Finigan suggests we send emails of support to Pope Benedict. I think that's a great idea, and here's the address: benedictxvi@vatican.va

19 March 2010

St Joseph

Have a happy day Smiley

They were already saved to my favourites...

...so have a look too and see what you think.

"Hi there,

Here's something that I hope you will feature.
I'm hoping you will support our new venture - catholicvalues.co.uk which is a non-profit making price comparison website. We donate all funds generated (less minimal admin costs) to pro-life charities. So next time you're renewing car insurance or any financial service not only will you save money but your transaction will trigger a commission that goes to the pro-life movement. Simple. Please spread the word!

Many thanks

you save money - we save lives"

I'm not into advertising, but hey, every little helps, ;)

18 March 2010

Sex Ed Petition...

...will be closing on 25th March, so if you haven't signed it already, please do so NOW! Click here and SIGN!

I know there's been a bit of hope on the horizon this week, regarding the victory in the High Court of our lone, truly Catholic adoption agency, but call me a cynic, I don't honestly believe that we have won the real right to educate our children as Catholics without reference to abortion provision.

So SIGN THE PETITION and let's make some noise.

PS what really bugs me is that you can withdraw your children from the 'classes' til they are 15, then you are no longer as parents allowed to. Your parental responsibility at that point disappears into the hands of the Government. Yet isn't it funny that you're expected to fork out for university fees and living costs until your offspring are 21 or so.

16 March 2010

It's official

*Does jig of joy* His Holiness is coming in September.
Let's pray that the media contract a severe case of common sense way before then...although I'm not holding my breath, I'm ever hopeful.

Mass in Tunbridge Wells

There is Low Mass now being said every Wednesday at 7.00pm at St Augustine, Crescent Rd, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LY. So here's a map if you happen to be in the area and feel like refeshing the parts other Masses cannot reach...

15 March 2010

News from OLOC

Just heard from David that the Missa Cantata at West Grinstead yesterday was:
"out of this world and Fr.Hurley was his usual brilliant self. As you know his sermons are always "good value"...Many thanks must go to the Schola from Seaford who sang to their high standard. What would we do without these people who support these masses so well."

It was a shame we couldn't get there too!

14 March 2010

Laetare Sunday - I'm on a high

That was just brilliant.

Got back from the 8.00am Mass at Bexhill on a cloud. It was so marvellous to be at a normal parish Mass, at a moderately normal time, at an EF that felt so well, normal, even appearing on the newsletter as normal.

Fr Bruno preached from the heart the most fantastic sermon on the importance of continuity. He reminded us of how the Holy Father in his Wednesday audiences has highlighted that we are still part of the long chain of Catholics who have had the Faith handed on to them from the Apostles. We are not a new church, we are part of the true church that traces its origins to Christ and the Disciples. The Old Mass is still part of that. Glad I was wearing waterproof mascara I can tell you. It was an outstanding apologetic. It was an outstandingly prayerful Mass.

This is what every parish should be able to offer, every week. If you can choose a said Mass, a folk Mass, a family Mass, you should be able to just as easily attend a latin Mass.

All of us who were present are praying that this will be the first of many. Many thanks to Father Bruno.

Like I said, it was utterly brilliant.

10 March 2010

Right...a few things...

First up, don't forget the Mass at 8.00am at St Mary Magdalene in Bexhill this Sunday.

Secondly, There is a Missa Cantata this week at OLOC West Grinstead, Fr Hurley will be the celebrant at the usual time of 3.00pm.

Thirdly, it's Laetare Sunday, aka Mothering Sunday, let's pray for all mothers, physical, emotional, and spiritual everywhere, and enjoy that glass of wine (I am sooooo looking forward to a glass of wine!).

Fourthly, we need servers. Lots of servers. So any volunteers would they please come forward, leave a message in the combox and I can pass you on to Somone Who Knows. Or contact the LMS directly. So chaps, don't be shy!

Fifthly, I've been asked to tell you about St. Bede's pilgrimage to Cracow, Poland led by Fr Andrew Southwell (29th May - 5th June). Details if interested can be had from the Latin Mass Society or Fr Southwell at St Bede's (020 8678 5128).

Sixth and last, you don't have to be a member of the LMS to join in any of the Masses, activities, whatever, mentioned on this blog, you just have to like the traditional Mass or be interested in finding out about it.
The Mass is for everybody!

06 March 2010

No Low Mass at St Peter's Shoreham next Saturday...

...13th March as Fr Sean is is away. Normal services resume the following Saturday.

04 March 2010

EWTN showed the Pontifical Consecration of the FSSP chapel at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary yesterday. Here, courtesy once again of YouTube, here's a film about how it was built...


Kind of gives you the hopeful warm fuzzies, doesn't it!

How low can we go?

Click here and find out

01 March 2010

EF at St Mary Magdalene's Bexhill

There will be a Mass celebrated by Fr Bruno Witchalls, on the fourth Sunday in
Lent, at 8.00am at St Mary Magdalene's Bexhill.

This is really good news, and something parishioners there have been requesting for a long time. If this could be the start of regular Latin Masses in Bexhill, wouldn't it be wonderful!

It would be marvellous if as many people could make it as possible. I know Mass numbers aren't supposed to matter any more, but I have the feeling that in certain quarters they still do.

The church hasn't moved, so luckily, the directions and map from August last year are still reliable, so click here for the full address, and directions, and even a link to google map .

And please, let everyone you know, know.

Just don't ask

All I'll say is, read this:

"When we go to Communion, we feel something extraordinary, a comfort that pervades the whole body...What is this comfort? It is Our Lord who communicates Himself...We are obliged to say, like St John, 'It is the Lord!' Those who feel absolutely nothing are very much to be pitied." Cure D'Ars

St John Vianney pray for us.